Women’s rights

In Canada, women have the same rights and opportunities as men. Equality between men and women is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Women are leaders in all walks of life in Canadian society. Women can choose any profession and perform all types of work. Today there are very few specialties in which either only men or only women work.

Most people would like to further increase equality between men and women. There are special groups and organizations to protect the rights of women. Status of Women Canada is a federal government agency that monitors women’s rights.

Most Canadian men respect women as equals – in everyday life, at work and at home. However, discrimination against women and violence against them remains a serious problem in our society. Both discrimination and violence against women are violations of the law.

Husband violence against wives is a crime. (Likewise, violence against husbands by wives is also a crime.) Like child abuse, violence against women can be physical, psychological, and sexual.

If you have been abused by your husband, seek help. For this, there are special shelters and legal aid. The law also protects husbands from wife violence.

Information on legal aid and local shelters is easy to find. Look up phone numbers in the phone book under “Distress centers,” “Child Abuse,” or “Sexual Assault.” Call an immigrant aid organization for help. Your rights and privacy will be respected.